Alberta Landlords Association

Need Help In These Challenging Times?

Tenants Not Paying Rent?

Landlord and Tenant Branch is Closed?

Government Says Evictions Are Illegal?

What’s Going On And How Can Landlords SurviveĀ  (and even thrive?)

The rental industry is pretty crazy these days. According to the government we can’t even evict tenants who refuse to pay to pay rent.

And lawyers and paralegals are demanding huge fees to “help” you with no guarantees of refunds if they lose at the tenancy branch.

Go ahead and ask them: if you don’t give me the result for the thousands of dollars I pay, will you pay me back?

Now is the time for all small business landlords to join our community and we become a strong voice for change!

Network with other landlords, many successful and experienced, to make sure your rental business succeeds

Join Our Landlord Community for A One Time Registration Fee!

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