Archive for the ‘Alberta Landlords’ Category

Alberta Landlords Need To Be Able To Evict Non-Paying Tenants

Monday, May 11th, 2020

Landlords Across Alberta Need The Legal System Up & Running

Small landlords are different than big REIT corporate landlords. Many of us used to rent ourselves, or we have friends and family members who rent.

We are understanding and helpful. We are patient and kind to our tenants. We want to work things out for a win-win situation. We aren’t afraid of posts on this site to help tenants.

We also need rent to be paid on time in order to survive!

Small landlords don’t have economies of scale, don’t have huge cash reserves, and many need rent paid each month just to cover our costs.

A large number of tenants are co-operating with their landlords and deferring rent or creating payment plans.

However, many tenants are not paying rent or even a portion of rent.

Many tenants even with the means to pay are simply saying “No.”

They know they cannot be evicted and are ‘gaming’ the system by not paying when they can.

In our internal polling over 60% of tenants did not pay rent on May 1st.


We understand many tenants are facing financial difficulties. But do not put their financial problems on the backs of small residential landlords who are also suffering.

If you think this is cruel then government can just give the tenants a grant or a loan, instead of putting all the pressure on small landlords.

We need to open up the legal process and allow small landlords to evict non-paying renters.

Over 50% of our internal polling shows small landlords are going to sell if they cannot collect rent or evict non-paying tenants within the next couple of months.

This will hurt the entire rental stock of our province. Where is the long term planning by our government leaders…leaders who our members help get elected on their promise of “making Alberta open for business!” LOL!

The Alberta Landlords Association Will Get Your Voice Heard

We are sending your ideas and concerns directly to the Premier.

Please send us your support of “Landlords Must Be Able To Evict Non-Paying Tenants” to us at

We Need To Be United and Together To Send A Strong Message!

We Need the Legal Process Working And To Be Able To Evict Non-Paying Tenants!

Alberta Landlords Forum – Network With Other Landlords To Help Your Landlord Business Succeed

Wednesday, January 9th, 2019

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 Want to Network With Thousands of Alberta Landlords and Even More Across Canada?

Have Questions? Looking For Help In a Challenging Situation? Just Want To Chat With Others Landlords?

Things have changed for Alberta landlords. It was only a few years ago that the Calgary Mayor was accusing Calgary landlords of “gouging tenants” because the economy was so strong and the vacancy rate was very low.

For experienced veteran landlords this was both ridiculous and insulting. And Alberta Landlords Association members stood up to the charge by explaining to the public that for landlords the market goes up, but the market can also go down.

This means when times are good landlords need to charge market rents and make sure they get paying tenants. This wasn’t “gouging” it was just good business practice for us to survive. Because all of us who have been in the industry for a considerable period of time know that we have a pretty up and down rental market here. 

When times are good, they can be really good!  But when times are down it can be very tough to be a successful landlord anywhere in Alberta. It’s the nature of our industry.  This is why it’s important to network with others in the Alberta Landlords Forum

Alberta Landlords Face Challenges in 2019

The reality is landlords in our province face challenges in 2019. There are still lots of great renters out there, but things have changed over the past three years. Not only are there less qualified renters around, but some tenants are beginning to view renting as some type of weird ‘fight’ with their landlord. We’ve heard this from lots of people.

An Edmonton landlord wrote in the forum:

Been in this for 20 years and it’s weird having people treat me like I’m getting ‘rich’ by renting out my unit. Used to be people were happy to find something nicely decorated and at a good price!

Some tenants seem to think that because they are paying for a place to live in we landlords are cheating them or being unfair to them. We’ve even had tenants write in trying to teach other tenants to take their landlords to the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service instead of being mature and work out any problems with the landlord :

A Calgary landlord posted a situation she faces with a tenant she just rented to recently:

With her every little request comes with quotes fro the landlord/tenant law. And if I don’t heed her beck and call she threatens to take me to the resolution service. What about mature adults working things out together? Help!

Alberta Landlords Need to Help Other Succeed

By working together we can help each other face challenges and overcome them. If you have a problem, another experienced and successful landlord has faced it before and succeed and can give you advice. If someone has a problem you have faced before you can help them. 

We also face some big issues in 2019!  For example, how are we going to handle tenants who smoke and grow marijuana when it is legal?

Alberta Landlords Forum – Landlords Helping Landlords

This is a great place to share tips and advice.  You’ve got a ton of Alberta landlords and also experienced and successful landlords from all across Canada who are united to help each other succeed by renting to good tenants and avoiding the pros.

ALBERTA LANDLORDS FORUM – Join Our Huge Alberta Landlord Community And Get Access to the Biggest and Best Landlord Forum in Canada! All For a One-Time Registration Fee (no annual fee!)

The Alberta Landlord Diaries

Sunday, September 2nd, 2018

Landlord diaries 1

Alberta Landlord With A Kind Heart Got Burned And Wants To Warn Others To Be Kind, But Watch Out!

Several recent posts in the Alberta Landlords Association site have shocked landlords and made it clear that we face major challenges these days. We asked landlords across the province to write in and share some of their stories.

The goal is not only to create a way for landlords to get things off their chest and release their stress, but also to help others learn (and the same fate).

An Edmonton landlord wrote in:

“Really Convincing People With a Good Story Became Renters From Hell”

Really want to let everyone know the dangers of being nice and trying to help people. Don’t get me wrong, for sure there are really decent people down on their luck who will be great tenants.

The problem is if these people are liars or even if they are good people who “turn” you can be stuck with thousands of dollars in lost rent and even more in damages.

My property was one I invested in and was decently priced because it needed a lot of work.  The area was good close to transportation, schools, shopping and I put in $40,000 dollars to make it really attractive. 

Where did this money come from? Well, we maxed our our RBC and Scotia and MBNA credit cards with bank transfers to come up with the money as we are sure as heck not rich.

When we finally got the place done we advertised it and had some replies but not nearly as many as we hoped. Our place was nice and the rent was reasonable, but the economy isn’t that great so we waited weeks until we had even a few applicants.

One of the people who came was a young couple who had moved here from the East Coast. When they came they really praised the property and said “it was the best one they saw.”

She explained she had her first child at 20 and divorced at 22. She was a single mum for until she met her boyfriend and they came to Alberta to start their new life and eventually get married and buy their own home here.

“Applicant Reminded Me Of Myself During My Hard Times and It Really Hit Home”

Her background really hit home as a former single mum myself. Yes, that hot guy in high school who bathed me in romance turned into a dummy who didn’t give a crap our our daughter.

After years of hard work, education, new job, savings, part time jobs I eventually managed to pull myself up and find a great guy who shared my goals and ambitions.

When I asked them I would need references and a credit check she said one of the reasons they moved is because they faced ‘black mold’ in their last place and the landlord did nothing so they had no reference. She explained the move from Nova Scotia cost them a lot and they had a bad credit score.

As someone who faced similar challenges in my life I believed her and my heart really wanted to help her like others helped me when I was struggling. And they were such a nice couple and loved the property so I rented to them.

Since they were so sincere they paid first month rent and told me they would pay a 3 month deposit once they moved and were on a more solid financial footing.

I rented to them with a one year lease. Not only was I happy to finally rent out the property to cover my mortgage, I was also happy to help a young couple who reminded me of my difficult situation years before.

I Felt Great With This Win-Win Situation

I really felt…great! Like a win-win situation. I was covering my mortgage, and also helping this couple and their child. It felt good The renters moved in and all was well. I was now a new landlord with paying tenants.

Then, and the end of the month she left a message for me saying there were mice. She said the mice were coming at night and accused me of “not disclosing this” from Day 1.

I came and didn’t see anything and she said because they come at night she needed a professional to come to protect her child. I agreed and booked a guy to come after the 1st (rent not paid). 

The exterminator came on the 5th and said he didn’t see anything. I told her about this and she said the exterminator was not professional and she would need a “true professional” otherwise she would report my property to the city. I was stressed about this and wanted to fix it and got another exterminator to come on the 7th. He reported no problems. 

She said the mice only come and night and even texted me a picture of a mouse. She said “let’s give this some time and if it continues we will move out to protect our family!” I agreed and told her to let me know.

Mice And Now Mold (So Who Caused The Mold?)

A couple weeks went by and rent was due again (after they didn’t pay last month).  She said not only was the mice issue “a frigging nightmare” but there was mold in the shower and she was scared this would cause her “child to die!” I took this very seriously and hired a mold guy to measure the air quality.

We booked an appointment but she said she was going work and she demanded to be there in person to ensure they were professional as her child’s safety was at risk.

The next first of the month came and she told me she would move unless the air quality/mold person came and assured her and her boyfriend the property was truly safe. The next month rent was due I texted her and she said she still felt unsafe. I tried to be reasonable but said they had not paid rent for 3 months.

So Now I’m a Slumlord (Me? Shocked!)

Her reply was to accuse me of renting a horrible house and being a slumlord and to “not contact her until the safety issues were resolved.

Another month went by and no payment. I texted her and said if she didn’t pay I would have to evict her. She said she was still waiting for me to fix the mice and mold issues and it was illegal for me to harass her.

I was told if you come here the cops will be called on you for harassment when we only want a safe place to live with our child.

I was scared and waited until the next month and it didn’t come in. I went to check out the property and saw no one was there.  After looking in the windows there was almost nothing there but trash, wood, papers, and the walls looked weird. I went in and saw the place was abandoned.

There was no way anyone was living here. And the condition of the property was shocking.

Property Trashed!

The carpets were destroyed. The walls had scratched and huge dents like people were partying and throwing things. The whole place stank like marijuana and the new appliances I bought were not only filthy but damaged. The fridge door didn’t close, the stove was soaked in grease with the burners not working.

I Got Burned Because I was Too Trusting

Where did I go wrong?I guess it was because the renter reminded me of myself. It wasn’t too long ago when it was hard for me to pay the bills and those who gave me a break and trusted me were so appreciated.

What Lessons Did I Learn?

Being a landlord is a business. Like like if you own a restaurant, or a contracting company or whatever. You can’t let personal feelings get i the way of good business sense.

Screen Your Potential Renters Carefully…and Coldly…Like Mr. Spock!

You really have to take your heart out of it. Now I’m an Alberta Landlords Association member and one older landlord told me:

“Did you ever watch the old Star Trek. Not the crappy new movies but the classic shows with Kirk, Spock, Bones, Scotty, etc. You have to be like Mr. Spock. This might sound corny, but it’s a good reminder to keep emotion out of your decision making and be cold as ice.”

No emotion and base your decisions on things like credit checks, criminal checks and the cold hard facts.

If Issues Come Up Deal With It Fast And Get Help From Experienced Landlords

When this was going on I felt I had no where to ask for help. Now I know I’m not alone and have a big support network.

This Won’t Make Me Give Up

There are really a lot of great landlords all across Canada who are so supportive and warm at the Alberta Landlords Forum. They told me there was no need to take this “personally” (which I did!) and this often happens to new landlords.


Share your stories by emailing us as or posting on the Alberta landlords forum.

The Alberta Landlord Knowledge Vault

Thursday, October 12th, 2017

Alberta landlord knowledge vault

Get Real World “In the Trenches” Advice From Experienced and Successful Alberta Landlords & Property Managers

Experienced and successful Alberta landlords know there are a lot of great renters out there. For years Alberta has been a place hard-working people from across Canada want to come to.

Even with the recent economic downturn people see Alberta as the ideal place to find a job, start a business, put down roots, start a family, and invest in the future.

What Makes A Great Renter?

Long time landlords know the key to being a successful Alberta landlord is finding good renters. These are people who pay their rent on time, take care of the rental property, and respect their landlord and other renters (if it’s a multi-unit rental).

An Edmonton landlord wrote about her great tenants saying:

“They are a couple who moved here from Nova Scotia and found work. They keep the property clean, pay the rent with post-dated cheques and are just wonderful people.” 

A Calgary landlord who rents his basement wrote:

“There are still good renters out there if you have an attractive place at the right price. I rent to a younger guy who is working two jobs now and also studying at night! He says his goal is to land a good job and be a landlord himself one day!”

Be Careful Because Bad Renters Are Out There Too!

A recent story on the CBC news site is about a landlord named Jennifer Leeming who owns a rental property in Calgary. 

Jennifer did all the right things. She had a bright and spacious rental property on the market and had the best intentions to be a super landlord and rent out her beautiful rental property. It sounds so simple, right? A caring landlord with a wonderful rental property just waiting for good renters. It should be so simple…but it isn’t!

Dedicated, caring single mom landlord tried to help her renters out, and in return they destroyed her rental property

Tenants From Hell

Jennifer ended up with “Tenants from Hell” who played the system and ended up costing her huge financial losses.When the renters asked for a break this landlord tried to accommodate them and work something out. This was a big mistake as it only led to more damages to the rental unit, more non-paid rent, and bigger problems.

The new flooring was treated like an ashtray.  The renters didn’t even have the common courtesy to buy an ashtray at the dollar or go outside to smoke.

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There were many holes in the drywall all over the property. And the stair railings were ripped out making it dangerous to go up and down the stairs.

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The nicely renovated bathrooms were destroyed.

These “Tenant From Hell” caused tens of thousands of dollars in damages!

Just Follow the System, Right?

Wrong.  Look what happened.

When Jennifer started the eviction process the renters challenged her and said: “I’M NOT MOVING UNTIL YOU PROVIDE A COURT DOCUMENT! “ Unfortunately this type of rude and aggressive behaviour is common with bad tenants who are going to rip you off.

Tenants Finally Left…Then Vanished Without Paying a Cent

And when Jennifer used the RTDRS and got them out what happened? She got paid by the tenants for the amount the RTDRS ordered right? Unfortunately, it didn’t work out that way.

After she served the tenants, they did a midnight run and took off to Saskatchewan. They did all the damages and it will be basically impossible to ever to recover her losses from these “Tenants From Hell”.

Dealing With Alberta Tenant Challenges

When you rent to tenants you need to be aware of the system and the rules. The old saying “Knowledge is Power” really applies to being a landlord in Alberta these days.

And as Jennifer found out, just going through the system often isn’t enough and leads to huge headaches, drawn out evictions, and even bigger financial losses. 

According to landlord Jennifer:

“I feel it’s so unfair. I’ve worked my entire life to provide for my family and my child’s future and people have come along and taken that all away and that’s just so wrong”

Alberta Landlord Knowledge Vault

In order to help Alberta landlords succeed we asked experienced and successful landlords and property managers to come up with tips and strategies to help small residential landlords succeed.

Don’t Be a Victim of Bad Tenants

It’s more important than every before to learn tips and strategies to make sure your rental business is successful. The harsh reality is there are lots of bad renters out there and they can cost you thousands of dollars and months of headaches and heartaches.

Successful Alberta Landlords

There are a lot of great tenants out there. And there are also a lot of potential “Tenants From Hell”. With the Alberta Landlord Vault you can get the tips and strategies you need to succeed.

The Alberta Landlord Knowledge Vault

Alberta landlord knowledge vault

We asked some of the most experienced landlords and property managers to put together a vault of answers to help other landlords succeed.

And they came through big time – and we put their knowledge together in a professionally recorded audio CD that helps you through all the steps to running a successful and profitable rental business, in good economic times or bad.

Here are some of the issues answered in the Alberta Landlord Knowledge Vault to help you succeed as a landlord in Alberta.

What you get is a “start” to “finish” guide to becoming a successful Alberta landlord and how to deal with situations fast and effectively before they become like cancer and grow. No marketing hype, only real work “in the trenches” advice to help small landlords succeed.

Questions and discussion includes the following:

What really are the best ways to prepare my rental to attract the best renters out there looking for a place?

How can I convince the best tenants to rent from me over other landlords? How do successful landlords do this?

Do I need to get any type of special insurance for my rental to protect myself and my financial future?

What are good potential renters really looking for these days and how can I make my rental property special?

Is it a good idea to pay for a property manager or manage things myself?

I hear stories about some bad property managers out there! How do you choose the best property manager?

Is it a good idea to hire a real estate agent to rent out my property?

How do you set the best rental prices for your rental to advertise at attract premium tenants?

How do you do expert market research on your local rental market?

How do you ultimately decide how much the rent will be?

How do you pre-screen tenants to not waste time with bringing people you won’t don’t want to see the apartment?

How do experienced landlords really successfully screen tenants who want to rent from you?

How do you set times to show your rental property?

Tenants keep cancelling appointments on me and it’s driving me nuts. How do you fix this?

Do you screen everyone who is going to move in or is that not the way to do it?

Why is asking what renters are currently paying for rent important for me?

How do you avoid applicants who are just playing games and not serious?

How can I make sure the applicants say who they say they are and not playing games?

My applicants want me to explain to them! Do you tell your potential renters how you are screening them?

What’s the best way to verify if they are working or not? I want to avoid renting to scammers!

How do you go into really “in-depth” checking of their employment information and avoiding lying tenants?

How do you screen self-employed applicants to make sure they are financially sound?

How do experienced landlords screen applicants moving to Alberta from other provinces?

How important are personal references for Alberta landlords? How do you know if a reference is fishy or valid?

What do you do if the applicants refuses to give their current landlords information?

What do you do if an applicants refuses to provide their SIN number?

How do you run a credit check on a potential renter to find out the most important information?

How do you read a credit check to determine if you should rent to them or not?

What do you do if their credit history shows late payments?

What do you do if the credit check shows a lot of debt?

What do you do if there is a collection on the renter’s credit report?

What types of credit scores do experienced Alberta landlords demand?

How do you really choose the best tenants to put into your rental?

If you have two really good applicants, what is the real criteria to choose one over the other?

What do you do if the applicants have no credit history but seem like good people?

How do you avoid renting from professional tenants who will cause me to lose thousands of dollars?

How the heck do you notify the person you want to rent to?

Are there any tips or strategies when telling your applicant you will rent to them?

How do you make sure the renters are clear on the rules from day 1 to avoid future problems?

What types of leases do you use?

What’s a period tenancy?

What’s a fixed term lease?

What’s better, a periodic tenancy or a fixed term lease…and why?

What information should I include in my lease to protect myself. I’m looking for the most protection!

Does the lease have to be in writing?

Can I require proof of insurance as a condition of the lease?

Is it okay to say no pets are allowed in the lease?

Can Alberta landlords change a pet fee or not?

What happens at the end of fixed term lease?

Can I charge a security deposit? How does that work in Alberta?

Can I charge a non-refundable pet fee and also charge a security deposit?

Can I deduct money from the security deposit for carpet cleaning, painting, and other damages?

If two tenants are renting my place and one moves out do I have to return half the security deposit?

Do you do an inspection when renters move out?

What happens if the tenant doesn’t show up for the move out inspection?

What do you do if your tenants don’t pay rent?

Can I best do an eviction if the renters don’t pay rent?  I need to get this done fast!

What do you do if the tenant breaks a rule in the lease?

What types of notices are available if your renters are breaking the rules of your lease?

What are the reasons I can use to evict a renter?

If the renters are damaging my rental what can I do?

If tenants are threatening me or other tenants in the building what can I do?

My renters are playing their music super loud so what can I do?

My renters are dealing drugs what can I do? This is a very troubling situation!

The Tenants are leaving garbage all over the place so what do expert landlords do when this happens?

If the tenants refuse to leave at the end of the lease what do you do?

Can my tenants have lots of guests over at all times?

My renters want my contact information. Should I give it to them?

I don’t want to give my personal information for safety reasons but do I have to provide it to tenants?

One group of tenants is complaining other tenants are noisy so what should I do? It becoming a nightmare!

I’m selling my property so do I have to tell my renters?

The new buyer of my rental wants to keep the tenants so how do I handle this?

I live with my tenant and she is nuts and argues with me about everything so what can I do?

How do you fix problems with tenants who live in your house with you?

Can I go to the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service for problems with renters living in my house?

How to you handle renters who want to sublet?

Can I refuse a tenant who wants to sublet my rental property?

How do you reply to a renter who wants to sublet?

My tenant says he wants to assign his apartment so what can I do?

What are legal grounds to refuse a sublet or assignment as I don’t feel comfortable with it?

My tenants did some repairs and now are charging me! Do I have to pay?

The new people I rented to brought in bedbugs so what can I do?

How do you give notice if you are going into the rental to do repairs?

How do you give notice to your tenants to enter the rental property?

Can a contractor enter the rental property without the landlord being present?

My tenant said she doesn’t have to pay rent while I’m doing repairs. Is this true?

How do landlords deal with tenants who are smoking or growing marijuana?

My tenants are fighting over their shared laundry do I have to get involved?

My renters go laid off and want to break the lease so what should I do? 

How do you deal with tenant vs. tenant issues?

Do I have to give my tenants who are moving a recommendation?

My renters got laid off and want to break the lease so what can I do?

My tenants want to change the lease agreement and say I have to, is this true?

The current rent check is NSF what should I do and they didn’t move out! What can I do?

My tenants are rude and aggressive to me. I’m scared and wonder how I should deal with them?

I think I have “Tenants From Hell” and need help!  Renter trashing the unit, cops won’t help, drunk. What should I do?

Alberta Landlord Knowledge Vault – Get Help From Experienced and Successful Alberta Landlords and Property Managers

The Alberta landlord vault is designed to help landlords succeed.  Make sure you run your rental business the right way by knowing your rights and responsibilities and being ready to handle any challenges that might arise in a fast and effective manner.

Knowledge is power and by knowing how the industry works you can take control of your rental business! Get access the The Alberta Landlord Knowledge Vault in the Intermediate Services for a one time fee.


Alberta Landlords and Tenants Working Together For Success

Friday, October 6th, 2017

Alberta landlords Alberta Tenants Win Win Campaign

Alberta Landlords are Looking for Good Tenants. Alberta Tenants are Looking for Good Landlords and Nice Properties. Let’s Work Together and Communicate To Make a “Win Win” Situation for Everyone!

We keep reading about complicated and dramatic landlord and tenant issues in Alberta. But being a landlord or a tenant really should be simple shouldn’t it?

Let’s look at it this way. Someone invests in a product. They want to attract good clients so they make sure the product is high quality. On the other hand, there are clients out there looking for a high quality product. When they meet if they both have what the other wants, the transaction is made and both sides are happy.

This is the way it should be for Alberta rental properties. Landlords invest in a nice rental property and advertise it. Tenants are looking for a good rental, see it, and both sides meet. If both sides see what they want the landlord offers the rental unit to the tenant and they sign the lease. It sounds so simple right?

Unfortunately while it sounds simple, in reality it’s not always like that. The Alberta Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service is busy and that is because there are landlords and tenants who are in conflict, fighting each other. We also see lots of bad stories in the news about problems between landlords and tenants.

In some cases it’s good tenants who are having problems with their landlord. We have had politicians accusing landlords of gouging good tenants when the vacancy rates were low and the economy was strong.

In many other cases it’s a good landlord getting ripped off and hurt by bad tenants. For example, this Calgary landlord is out tens of thousands of dollars because the system failed her when manipulated by tenants who were unethical and out to do no good.

Alberta Has A Lot of Good Landlords

Alberta has a lot of hard working people who want to invest in rental properties here. These are people who likely rented themselves at one point and want to invest in nice properties that they themselves would have wanted to live in. Landlords are people who are investing their hard earned money back into the province because they believe in a bright future here. Alberta landlords are important stake holders and play an important role in the success of our province.

Landlords and Tenants Need To Communicate With Each Other

Many of our landlords members think the best way landlords and tenants can create a “win win” situation is for us to communicate with each other.  Not at “hearings” or in the “media”, but with some frank and friendly talk between landlords and tenants.  Let’s get to know each other better and learn what both sides are looking for these days.

We know you are our future “customers” and we want to make sure we are the “best landlords” we can be and we have the “best rental rental properties we can have”. We want to be the best Alberta landlords you have ever had! Let’s work together to make this happen!

What Do Good Alberta Tenants Want? Let Us Know

Good Alberta landlords are always looking for good paying tenants. So we want to hear from all the tenants out there. We are asking you to “help us, so we can help you.”

1. What types of things are most important for you when choosing a rental?

2. Is there anything about a rental that would be a big turn off?

3. Is there anything particular that would lead you to choose a rental over another?

4. What are the ways you find potential places to rent?

5. How important is it for the rental ad to have pictures?

6. Is there anything particular that makes a rental ad stand out to you?

7. What are you looking for in a person who will be your potential landlord?

8. Is important for you to rent from an experienced landlord?

9. What types of questions do you have for landlords to show they are professional?

10. Is there anything you would do to improve the Alberta rental industry?

Tenants can write in to us at and let us know your answers to these questions or about anything else to improve the Alberta rental industry. We won’t edit or censor anything and are looking for your side of things.

Alberta Landlords and Tenants Working Together For Success

Both landlords and tenants play an important role in the success of our province. Let’s work together to make things better and improve the Alberta rental industry for years to come.


Tuesday, April 25th, 2017

With Big Changes Happening In Our Province  Let’s Make Sure Small Landlord Concerns Get Heard!

Things are going to change in Alberta with new leadership that is on the side of business owners and investors. We need to support everyday folks who are entrepreneurial and want to invest in our amazing province.

It wasn’t that long ago when there was huge net migration in Alberta. People from all over Canada came to Alberta for a better future.

There were lots of high paying jobs and landlords could rent to good tenants (who paid the rent on time and respected the landlord and the rental property).

But over the past four years small residential landlords have faced lots of challenges. Some have even been financially destroyed. 

We need more protections for when times are good and when times are challenging.

With a new pro-business government let’s make sure we get our opinions and suggestions heard to fix the Alberta Rental Industry and protect small landlords!

Please share your ideas, experiences and opinions by taking our survey and it will be sent to the Ministry To Help Small Landlords Succeed.

Create your own user feedback survey

Alberta Landlords Association Launches Our ‘Landlords Making A Difference In Our Communities Campaign 2017’

Tuesday, March 21st, 2017

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With “Rent Control”, “Reduced Security Deposits” and Other Issues Being Discussed It’s Important To Appreciate All the Good Landlords Who Provide High Quality, Affordable Rentals In Our Province

Successful Alberta landlords know the importance of maintaining our rental properties. We know that to be successful you need attractive and affordable properties that your tenants will find comfortable and want to live in. 

Good tenants tend to stay a lot longer when a property is nice, well-maintained and priced right.

Successful Alberta landlords also know it’s important for a landlord to be professional. This means knowing the rules and laws, following the rules and laws, and cooperating with tenants for a “win-win” situation.  We make tenant screening a priority to find good tenants, and make sure tenants know we are good landlords with great rental properties looking for a win-win business relationship.

Our community of hard-working and professional small landlords across the province know that good landlords can make a difference in our communities and we are working hard to improve the rental industry in Alberta.

Small Residential Alberta Landlords Play An Important Role and Are Important Stake-Holders

Alberta landlords have invested in our province and are important stake-holders. Because we believe in the success of Alberta we have invested our hard earned money here. 

We create great rental properties which in turn improves our communities.  We create welcoming homes for others coming to Alberta who also believe in the successful future of our province.

Great People Make Great Landlords

Many members of our community have careers.  They work hard in their jobs and play important roles in our cities and towns.  They volunteer in things such as soccer and hockey programs and play active roles in our charities. They are also great landlords! 

It’s important to remember that a large portion of landlords in our province are not faceless, soulless corporations.  Many of our best rental properties are provided by independent business people.

Small residential landlords also play an important role in our local economy. 

We spend a lot to maintain our properties.  We hire plumbers, painters, electricians and plumbers. We go to our local stores to buy doors, windows, drywall and other things we need to maintain our properties.  We buy curtains, blinds, and expensive appliances to make our renters happy.

It’s important to realize it’s essential to create rules that encourage terrific housing providers invested in the rental industry to continue to do so. Some people are already leaving the industry.

It wasn’t that long ago when we didn’t have enough rental properties in our market. If current landlords decide to leave the industry and we discourage new landlords to invest we are setting ourselves up for problems when things pick up again (and it will pick up).

Challenges For Alberta Landlords

Residential landlords faced a lot of challenges the past year and face challenges in 2017.

First of all, the economy is undergoing a difficult time and it’s had a large impact on everyone. Non-landlords need to realize that landlords are not immune to these economic challenges. 

Small landlords face the problem of vacancies as it’s becoming harder to find qualified tenants.  An Edmonton landlord recently wrote it took her three months to find tenants.  That means three months of no income from her rental property.

Rents are also dropping in some areas.  A Calgary landlord wrote in our Members Forum that she negotiated with potential renters and ended up dropping the rent and including a lot of costly incentives.  She ended up having to max out her credit card just to fill her rental property.

Add in the fact that some of the larger property management companies can afford to offer lots of incentives to renters such a huge rent discounts and even big screen tvs and groceries and you can see the challenges small landlords face.

Even when the economy was booming small landlords had challenges.  Now with current economic and market conditions it’s even tougher.

Small Landlords Are Important And Let’s All Work Together For a Healthy Rental Industry

We believe in Alberta and continue to invest here.  However, it’s important for people to realize the challenges we face and our importance as stake-holders in our communities. Now is not the time for things such as “rent control” (which we discussed a few years ago) and “diminished security deposits.”

Alberta Landlords Are Important Stake-Holders In Our Province. We Provide an Important Service and A Key Role In Our Communities

In these challenging times we all need to work together to make our rental industry and our province stronger than ever.  This means all stake-holders need to cooperate and map out a fair and smart strategy together. This also means making sure everyone understands the pressures small landlords face and how valuable we are.

By all of us coming together, and working together, we can make positive, important changes to help good landlords and good tenants.  We believe the best is yet to come for Alberta landlords and all the great tenants in our province.

Alberta Landlords – You Can Find Good Tenants! Get Premium Credit Checks For Only $10/Check

Sunday, June 22nd, 2014

 Alberta landlords rent to good tenants credit check

Alberta Landlords – You Can Become a Member of the Alberta Landlords Association To Find Great Tenants! Join Up and Get Premium Credit Checks for Only $10 / Check!



Experienced Alberta landlords know the secret to being a successful landlord in Alberta is to find great tenants (all the while, not renting to the bad ones out there!)

There is a huge group of good tenants coming to our province and they are looking for good landlords. It’s up to you to make sure you find them and they find you!

So What Do You Mean When You Write Good Tenant?

We believe a good tenant is someone who:

1. Good Tenants Pay Their Rent in a Timely Manner

You are their landlord, not their banker. Tenants need to make sure they pay on time. After all, you have to pay your mortgage on time.

2. Good Tenants Make Paying Rent a Priority

Everyone can have some financial blips. Tenants will make sure they contact you if they have to be a day or two late (and provide you with a good reason they are being late this one time).

3. Good Tenants Show Consideration and Respect Towards Their Landlord

You treat your tenants with consideration and respect and good tenants will do the same thing back to you.

4. Good Tenants Take Care of the Rental Property

You won’t have to worry about finding a huge mess when they move out.

5. Good Tenants Communicate With Their Landlord

Is there some leaking happening? Tenants will make sure you know about it so it can be repaired before it becomes major damage requiring an expensive repair.

Okay, Makes Sense. So What Do You Mean By ‘Bad’ Tenant?”

These are tenants who don’t pay rent and don’t respect the landlord or the rental property.

Unfortunately there are a lot of examples out there. Just take a look at what happened to this honest and hard-working Calgary landlord who got burned by sneaky bad tenants (and ended up costing him over $100,000 in losses and he had to sell his rental!)

Remember, good tenants are out there and you just need to find them.

Can You Help Me To Search for Good Tenants?

Yes! One of the keys to run a credit check on all potential tenants. In fact, you really need to run a credit check to make sure you who you are renting to.

I’m Wondering What Does a Tenant Credit Check Show?

A tenant credit check will provide Alberta landlords with the information you need to know to make sure you are renting to the right person.

What Information Is Included With a Tenant Credit Check?

You will be able to verify a bunch of things your tenants wrote in their application.

For instance, you can check their addresses, employment and financial history.

So What’s The Way To Do A Tenant Credit Check?

It’s now easy and simple for landlords to run credit checks.

For only only a one-time registration fee you can join the Alberta Landlords Association.

Not only do you get great documents and a Private Members forum where you can chat with other landlords, you get access to premium credit checks for only $10 Per Check!

While other associations charge you an annual fee, the Alberta Landlords Association exists only to help landlords and only charges a one-time fee!

Alberta Landlords – Become a Member of the Alberta Landlords Association and Start Running Premium Tenant Credit Checks for Only $10 / Check! It’s the Deal of a Life-time!

Alberta Landlords: How to Rent to Good Tenants (and avoid the pros)

Tuesday, February 18th, 2014


Join the Alberta Landlords Association and Get Tenant Credit Checks With GARDA for only $12 / check!

Rent to Good Tenants and Avoid the Professional Tenants!

Get amazing and complete information on your potential tenants for an incredible low cost fee!

Alberta landlords know we are in the best province and are happy we have invested in rental properties here.

After all, we have the lowest vacancy rate and the future looks good.

Of course, with so many renters coming to our province there are scamming tenants and schemer tenants out there as well.

They will play games leaving the landlord with thousands of dollars in clean up costs, repairs and owned rent.

How Can Alberta Landlords Make Sure We Rent To Good Tenants?

We often here ‘there is no magic wand.’

However, the Alberta Landlords Association offers something very close to help landlords succeed.

Whether you are a landlord in Edmonton, or in Calgary or in Lethbridge or anywhere in the province GARDA tenant credit checks are essential for landlord success!

Landlords need to be aware that using a friend or relative to do a tenant credit check for you can lead to their Equifax account being closed and the landlord and friend or relative can be subject to a privacy complaint.

GARDA specializes in screening tenants.

GARDA credit checks provide landlords with the most comprehensive and professional tools to make sure you find great tenants and avoid professional tenants.

And this Tenant Credit only costs $12 per check.

What Is GARDA?

GARDA is recognized as the most trusted and leading Canadian owned and operated provider of background screening solutions.

Our services help deliver integrated solutions through highly specialized teams with experience in addressing complex business needs.

The exceptional level of service we provide is unmatched in our industry and our clients can be assured they are receiving the highest quality of service as well as the most innovative and comprehensive solutions in the industry.

Since 1922, Garda has been providing and continues to provide national and international background screening services to major corporations, financial institutions, governments and governmental agencies.

Knowledge is power

Our internal investigation specialists are masters at finding and interpreting the information needed. They will gather all the pertinent information, verify the data and then develop an expert report.

Garda’s background screening solutions provide you with the vital information required to make informed business decisions on the suitability or risk level of a tenant.

Landlord Question:  What Does A GARDA Tenant Credit Check Show Me?

The results provide detailed reports including credit ratings, loans and collections outstanding.

The tenant credit check also includes a verification of the individual identity and employment history

1.         Does a GARDA tenant credit check confirm the tenant’s identity?

Yes, you get complete information confirming it.

For example, the report would show you:




Current Address:


Calgary, Alberta

Date of Birth, SIN:

1966/09/02, 451-333-572


2.         Does a GARDA tenant credit check verify their employment?

Yes, you get it confirmed. No more lies, you get it on paper.

Employment (Subject 1) Employment Information:

Current Employer:


3.         Does a GARDA tenant credit check show past employment?

Yes, you get to see where your potential tenant worked before.

This is important because you can see if they are stable in their work environments.

Since, Left, Position,

Salary:  $XXXXX

05/2001, , Animal Care Technician,

4.         Does a GARDA check show me if they have any judgments against them?

Yes, their checks show judgments and loans.



Court Name

Court No












Case No:





5.         Does a GARDA tenant credit check who me the tenant’s credit score?

Yes.  You get to see their credit score determining their credit worthiness and showing whether they pay their bills on time.


We have accessed this applicant’s credit report and based on the contents of the report, the credit bureau has assigned a credit Score of 730.


Alberta Landlords You Now Have Access To the Nearest Thing to a Magic Wand To Find Good Tenants

Alberta landlords now have a tool to make sure you rent to good tenants.

Take advantage of this opportunity to conduct professional tenant credit checks with an world wide leader for an incredibly low cost!