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Things have changed for Alberta landlords. It was only a few years ago that the Calgary Mayor was accusing Calgary landlords of “gouging tenants” because the economy was so strong and the vacancy rate was very low.
For experienced veteran landlords this was both ridiculous and insulting. And Alberta Landlords Association members stood up to the charge by explaining to the public that for landlords the market goes up, but the market can also go down.
This means when times are good landlords need to charge market rents and make sure they get paying tenants. This wasn’t “gouging” it was just good business practice for us to survive. Because all of us who have been in the industry for a considerable period of time know that we have a pretty up and down rental market here.
When times are good, they can be really good! But when times are down it can be very tough to be a successful landlord anywhere in Alberta. It’s the nature of our industry. This is why it’s important to network with others in the Alberta Landlords Forum
Alberta Landlords Face Challenges in 2019
The reality is landlords in our province face challenges in 2019. There are still lots of great renters out there, but things have changed over the past three years. Not only are there less qualified renters around, but some tenants are beginning to view renting as some type of weird ‘fight’ with their landlord. We’ve heard this from lots of people.
An Edmonton landlord wrote in the forum:
Been in this for 20 years and it’s weird having people treat me like I’m getting ‘rich’ by renting out my unit. Used to be people were happy to find something nicely decorated and at a good price!
Some tenants seem to think that because they are paying for a place to live in we landlords are cheating them or being unfair to them. We’ve even had tenants write in trying to teach other tenants to take their landlords to the Residential Tenancy Dispute Resolution Service instead of being mature and work out any problems with the landlord :
A Calgary landlord posted a situation she faces with a tenant she just rented to recently:
With her every little request comes with quotes fro the landlord/tenant law. And if I don’t heed her beck and call she threatens to take me to the resolution service. What about mature adults working things out together? Help!
Alberta Landlords Need to Help Other Succeed
By working together we can help each other face challenges and overcome them. If you have a problem, another experienced and successful landlord has faced it before and succeed and can give you advice. If someone has a problem you have faced before you can help them.
We also face some big issues in 2019! For example, how are we going to handle tenants who smoke and grow marijuana when it is legal?
Alberta Landlords Forum – Landlords Helping Landlords
This is a great place to share tips and advice. You’ve got a ton of Alberta landlords and also experienced and successful landlords from all across Canada who are united to help each other succeed by renting to good tenants and avoiding the pros.
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