Posts Tagged ‘Toronto Landlords’

“A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011”

Thursday, March 3rd, 2011

March 15th, Ottawa

April 5th, Burlington

April 7th, Toronto

April 12th, Barrie

April 14th, Peterborough

April 16th, London

Katherine Paliwoda, tells everything you need to know, and then some in her latest seminar.  “A Landlord’s Rights & Obligations in Ontario, 2011″ will give you the leading edge information that you need to properly and safely represent your client, or rent out your property. (more…)

Heads must roll at TCHC

Monday, February 28th, 2011

By SUE-ANN LEVY, City Hall Columnist

It was both surreal and pathetic.

Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) chairman David Mitchell — handpicked by the David Miller regime in March of 2008 — actually had the audacity to stand before the media Monday and claim he was both “angry and indignant” with the obscene spending and purchasing abuses discovered at Canada’s largest social housing company in Toronto Auditor-General Jeff Griffiths’ Feb. 25 report. (more…)

If you could change 3 things about the current laws for Ontario Landlords…

Saturday, February 12th, 2011

The Ontario Landlords Association for small business landlords has received a request to create a list (with follow-up explanations) of what changes should be made to the Residential Tenancy Act and to the Landlord  Tenant Board.

Here’s a chance to get your views to those who make the decisions. Please keep it to 3 main points, and if you can add an explanation or personal experience regarding the matter, please do so.

Please post in the HELP FORUM and get YOUR VIEWS HEARD!!